ELCA Regions and LFCNA
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations within the United States and the Caribbean. Approximately 3.04 million baptized members in almost 9,000 worshipping communities are divided in nine regions for governance. Each of these nine regions has several synods (65 total) within them. The synods vary in size, from 30 congregations to almost 300 congregations. Please check the map to find the region in which your congregation resides.
LFCNA is pan-Lutheran and exists to serve Faith Community/Parish Nurses and congregations across Lutheranism. All are welcome and invited to be part of the important work of furthering Faith Community/Parish Nursing ministry. Whether your congregation is LCMS, Wisconsin Synod, or another Lutheran denomination, LFCNA warmly welcomes you and will help you find a region with which you can network. You are also welcome to serve on the LFCNA board.
The National LFCNA Board of Directors has up to three directors on its board from each of the nine regions. This group meets approximately 9 times a year via Zoom to carry on the business of the organization. The directors are resources for you and your congregation, offering mentorship to Faith Community/Parish Nurses and/or assisting with the development of a new FCN ministry. The LFCNA Board is always looking for additional members to join organizational leaders as directors, officers, and/or to serve on committees. If you are interested in serving on a committee or the Board, contact your Regional Director or one of the National Officers.
The members of the national board are listed on this website by region on the National page. Their contact information is found on the Members Only page. Our hope is that LFCNA members will network with other members in their region and across the country to provide support, share ideas, and identify and share resources. These efforts will allow us to reap the benefits of sharing our combined expertise and experience!
Below you will find:
A map of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America regions based on data from
Find Your Region